A Minister of Education

"Their teaching materials are excellent and God's Word is taught throughout the program."

A Senior Pastor

"The Wallaces' presentation is exciting, entertaining, fast-paced with an excellent variety - singing, puppets, air brush cartooning, illustrated Bible stories, and a power gospel presentation."

Jerry and Bonnie's program is a fast paced contemporary style geared to modern visual children 4-12 years old.


A Typical 2 hour VBS Schedule

9:30 - 10:45 Wallaces

10:45 - 11:15 Host Church

11:15 - 11:45 Wallaces


The Wallaces do not handle crafts or outside games. But will send craft and game ideas.

Vacation Bible Schools

    Every summer churches have the opportunity to participate in  VBS! It’s such a blessing to see how VBS makes a difference in the lives of children and their parents. Kids from church bring their unchurched friends to VBS, and the kids bring their parents. Together they’ll hear the life-changing message of God’s love and grace.

   For some, it’s the first time they’ve heard how much Jesus loves them and wants them to be a part of God’s family. Teaching kids about Jesus’ message of salvation is why VBS programs were created.

The Wallaces' have seen a VBS to be one of the most effective

and popular community outreaches of the year

 1 1/2 hour evening VBS Schedule

6:30 - 7:15 Wallaces

7:15 - 7:45 Host Church

7:45 - 8:00 Wallaces

The Wallaces are flexible and are willing to work with in your schedule.

Important Note: Our one goal is to see children come to know who Jesus Christ is and to believe in Him. We are not just entertainers nor baby sitters, yet we will use our talents with the Holy Spirit's power to make the truths of God's Word come alive to the children.

 A Typical VBS Program

The Wallaces can adapt their program to different styles

Below is an example (45 min. to 1 hour up to 2 hours) may include depending on time frame.

~ upbeat interactive worship song time with colorful projected choruses and lots of actions.

~live cartooning where Jerry takes a child's name and draws a goofy character from the first letter of their name.

~a Bible verse is taught with large air brushed visuals

~a audience participation game

~ a animal teaching where we explore God's creation.


~slight of hand object lessons.

~either a large black light chalk drawing or an air brush spray painting.

~a child friendly gospel message.

At the conclusion of the program each child is invited to respond to the claims of Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness of their sins and the gift of eternal life. A gentle child friendly invitation is given without emotional pleas or fear tactics.

We present a closing program for parents with the children singing the songs they have learned and a very special entertaining program that presents the Gospel message for all.

Click on poster to go to downloadable full color posters.

See more about our programs at

Vacation Bible Schools

The Invitation

We are evangelist and believe firmly that children can make a decision to follow Christ. Matthew 18.6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. This verse states clearly that children

can “believe” in Jesus. In every service we will give an invitation, it will be brief

and without emotional pleas, but child friendly. We do not use scare tactics or

warnings about hell.

At the invitation time Pastor Jerry will say “If you are here today and would like

to pray about asking Jesus to come into your life, you can bow your head and

repeat after me”. Pastor Jerry will lead them in a short conversation style prayer.

As visiting evangelists, we will not use your platform as a opportunity to express our personal convictions nor will we contradict any particular teachings or traditions that your church adheres to.

Fun and exciting games

Educational Games

Hilarious antics of Suzy the singing puppet for younger age groups 

Live cartooning where Jerry takes a child's name and draws a goofy character from the first letter of their name. The children get to take their drawings home. We have met youth years later who still have theirs on their bedroom wall.

Live Cartooning

Teaching kids about Jesus’ message of salvation is why VBS programs were created

Pastor Jerry as he is known illustrates a Bible story with his airbrush

Bonnie leading in worship with action filled upbeat songs

A 4 minute story at a VBS

Cartoons from a week of VBS

Original animated worship songs written by Bonnie

We teach and emphasis one Bible verse throughout the week going over all the aspects of it.

      John 3.16 Teaching schedule
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

   1. The Great God
              “For God”:--God made His world, and us.
    2. The Great Love And "God so loved" us.
                                      “so loved”: the world:
    Tuesday: that He gave His only begotten Son,
    3. The Great Gift
                         “He gave
    4. The Great Son
                          “His only begotten Son”:
    Wednesday: that whoever believes in Him
    5. The Great Offer
                                         in Him
    Thursday: should not perish but have everlasting life.
      6. The Great Escape
                          “not perish”:
      7. The Great Future
                          “everlasting life”:
     Friday: Review

Coloring sheet masters to make copies from.

Games to reinforce the teaching

A community VBS also offers the possibility of establishing relationships with parents. It opens avenues of communication, displays servanthood and invites them into your building, giving them a chance to meet local Christians.

   Whether it’s a sign at the local grocery store, a sign in front of the church building or television or radio spots, advertisements are noticed and many parents will take advantage of the offer, granting you an occasion to show their children Jesus.

A community VBS also offers the possibility of establishing relationships with parents.

   Jerry and Bonnie Wallace of Winchester, Ontario of Wallace Ministries have ministered in 100’s of VBS’s since being married in 1979. It has always been their desire to help those who want to reach their communities but feel they are not equipped, are too small or can’t afford an expensive VBS curriculum and that requires a lot of teachers.

   Jerry and Bonnie offer an affordable and exciting alternative to the traditional VBS program. With a minimum of volunteers needed and no expensive kit to buy, the Wallace’s can help even the smallest church host a community event that will bless not only the children, but the entire family.

We present a VBS closing event for parents and community with the children singing the songs they have learned and special entertaining program that presents the Gospel message for all with music and art.

Final Closing Program

On the final night of the closing VBS this young mother came with her children who had attended all week and won the airbrush painting that Jerry painted in the program. She was moved to tears.