Vacation Bible Schools

Vacation Bible Schools

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Booking Information for Vacation Bible Schools or Extended Meetings

Set Up Time:

We will plan to set up the evening before the meetings. Upon our arrival we need someone to meet us and to show us where to set up. We would appreciate the area where we will be ministering be clear of pulpit, communion table etc.

Note: It is best to keep decorations or displays to minimum on the platform as our equipment fills the stage.

CHURCH KEY: We will need a key to the building for our stay and alarm code.

Will we have to move our equipment during our stay? ex. A basketball game right after. (Break down time is about 45 minutes with people to help carry equipment.)

P.A. Systems

We prefer to use our own system.

Projection Systems

 We bring our own projector and screen. For large churches with multi screens we will need a plug in for our laptop at the platform. Because of our equipment takes up most of the platform, screens on back walls used for projectors may be obstructed.

Product Sales

Needed: 1 Long table (2' by 5') for product sales. Product table is to be set up infoyer or entrance/exit location. This area should be well lit and completely visible to the main flow of people traffic. No merchandise fees will be paid to the venue or to the sponsor.

Extra Meetings and Events

Please inform us a head of time of any other meetings or activities you may be planning for us as we will need to be prepared.

Food and Accommodations For Our Stay

We are not opposed to staying in peoples homes, but because of our schedule they need to realize we are not there for a visit, but to work so we will be coming and going.

We prefer: Separate lodging some examples.

Motel or hotel, basement apartment, homes where the people are away, air conditioned trailers or motor homes, modern cottages (within close distance to our meetings).

Food: We enjoy being invited out to people's homes for a meal a couple of times throughout the week, keeping in mind not immediately before the meeting as we arrive quite early to prepare.

   If staying in motels or hotels a kitchenette is a great asset as it cuts down on bought meals. One meal a day would be purchased, Some churches have brought a meal to the church for us or cash allotments for food or certificates to restaurants. (Church members can offer to host one meal and get a restaurant gift certificate.) After these have been collected whatever meals have not been taken care of are covered with cash allotments. People may also give a cash allotment for their donation.

Let us know your meal plan as we can prepare accordingly.


Due to the fact that we teach in one large group we prefer children 4 years old be with a adult relative at all times. Many times younger children become distracted or are distracting to the older children.

ADULT HELP IS NEEDED in premeeting

   We need a mature group of volunteers to help with discipline (See Workers Guide). One adult for every ten children is the minimum needed. Some of these should arrive early (30 minutes or more) to greet and register the children.

   It is important to encourage the use of the washroom, and to discuss sanctuary dos and don’ts (no gum, no hats, no child holding another on their lap, sing, pay attention, etc.) during this period.


A couple of mature adults preferably females to escort children to the washroom. The adult should escort the child to the washroom and prop the door open and wait and return with the child. If a group of children want to go tell them only one at a time will be permitted. 

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